State Forms
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You will need the most recent version of Acrobat Reader to download all forms needed for tournament registration. Click the logo below to get the free software.

The following forms are available:

2020 National Seeding DQT Request Form (Complete and mail to 2406 Romence Road, Portage, MI 49024.)

Blank Player Roster Registration Form (Mail one copy to 2406 Romence Road, Portage, MI 49024 and bring original to site for team check-in.)

Blank Player Verification Form (Required at tournament check-in.)

Blank Athlete Waiver Form (Required for tournament check-in.)

Blank Player Grade Exception Form (Required for tournament check-in for Grade Based Tournaments.)

Blank Tournament Score Sheet (For team check-in, bring 6 completed copies to tournament.)

Information can be typed directly into any form once you access it on-line. Just point cursor to the appropriate information section, click and type.



  1. Register all of your players and coaches (if you have not already done so) on-line at the National AAU website.  This will give you AAU cards and numbers.  You must have AAU numbers for all coaches and players to fill out the entry forms.    (CLICK HERE) to go to the National AAU website. (Coaches cards take four days to be approved. Player cards are received immediately.)   When you get there, follow the directions.  You will need the dates of birth of all of your players and coaches to register them.

  2. Make sure you have the uniform numbers and AAU numbers of your players as well as the names and AAU numbers of all assistant coaches (up to 3) and head coach.  You will also need the head coach’s complete address and at least a home or cell phone number. We also need the e-mail address of the coach or a contact person for your team. You will need ALL OF THIS for the next step.

  3. Download a complete set of the forms.  The steps to do this are as follows:

    1. Print this page so that you have the directions in front of you.

    2. If you have not done it already, download the most recent free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader by CLICKING HERE and following the directions.  The download takes a few minutes.  You have to install the Acrobat Reader software by double-clicking on the download file (see important note in "c" below.)

    3. You have to install the most recent version of Acrobat Reader after you download it.  Before you install it, be sure to un-install any old version you may have.  The best way to do this (in Windows) is to click "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel", "Add/Remove Programs."  A list of software will appear.  Click on Adobe Acrobat Reader (may vary slightly) and then click the "Add/Remove" button.  To install the most recent version of Acrobat Reader, simply double-click on the file and download it into (easiest to do this in Windows Explorer) and follow the directions.

    4. The forms are set up so you can type all of the required information into them before printing.  Print the form by clicking "File," then "Print," on the menu bar at the top of the screen.  You can print any form this way.

    5. When you download a roster form, complete all required information and send it to the name and address listed on the roster form along with tournament fee. (Certified checks or money order only. No personal checks.

      1. To print Team Roster Forms, Click Here).

      2. To print Tournament Request Forms, Click Here).

      3. To print Player Verification Forms, Click Here).

      4. To print Athlete Waiver Forms, Click Here).

      5. To print Grade Exception Forms, Click Here). For those players who need Grade Exceptions, fill out a form for each player and get the necessary signatures and photographs. Bring them to the playing site with you for team sign-in.

    6. All clubs must complete a Tournament Request Form and mail to: Gloria Hall, MI AAU Boys BB Secretary, 2406 Romence Rd, Portage, MI 49024 with preference for sites and to give a heads up for the divisions and grade levels that you plan to enter a team.    Teams will not be scheduled until the fees are received by the Boys Basketball Secretary. Make payable to: "MI AAU BOYS BASKETBALL."

    7. If you need to make roster changes after you submit the copy of your roster send an email to our email address: prior to your first game being played.  Once that game is played, the roster is frozen and no additional players can be added to the roster. It is the responsibility of the contact person/coach to make sure all changes are on the official team roster prior to playing the first game in pool play.  For any questions, contact one of the site directors.

At this point, you should have:

  1. Signed up your club, contact person, coaches, and members on-line at (see #1).

  2. Mailed your 2020 Tournament Request Form, tournament fee(s), and copy of roster) to Gloria Hall, MI AAU Boys Basketball Secretary, 2406 Romence Rd, Portage, MI 49024.

When you sign-in at the tournament site, you must have the following:

  1. A 2019-2020 AAU Membership Card for each player and coach.

  2. A Birth Certificate for each player.  Check the handbook (, click on "publications" when you get there) to make sure a player's birth verification is acceptable.

  3. A most recent report card for each player.

  4. A Player Verification Form and Liability Release for each player, complete with picture and signatures.  Do not forget the Grade Exception form for those players needing them.  You can download all forms on this site.

  5. The ORIGINAL Team Roster.

  6. Eight (8) copies of your completed Score Sheet.  Roster names on the score sheets may be filled out on-line and then printed (CLICK HERE).  Please completely fill out all your forms prior to checking in at the playing site.


West Region Tournament Director – Walter Hall, 269-998-2385

- OR -

East Region Tournament Director – Orlando Watkins, 313-379-6900